Newsletter June 2023 June 2023       Greetings to our Hungry 4 Him Family and Friends,      I am writing to share about my journey on my most recent mission trip to Kenya. This was trip # 6 for me since 2010, with every trip having its own unique experiences, struggles, and blessings. On every trip though, God’s presence, guidance, and providing were always clear and present. Much scripture tells us of His Grace, His Faithfulness and His Promises to us as we seek His will in our lives and then… as we are obedient to His call on us. I believe His call can be different for many of us as He gives different gifts to different people, but He DOES have a …

Newsletter June 2022

Dear Hungry4Him Family,                                                                                   It has been awhile since we have written a newsletter and please accept our sincere apologies on that.  Honestly, we were trying to have one of our supported children write one but was not able to get one at this time. We will try again since we think hearing from them would be a great point of view to see how they see things. When the children are in eighth grade, they know their time is limited and they might not be able to go to high school. In order to go they must raise funds to do that. The schools in Kenya are not free and many times the children need sponsors to be able …

Newsletter October 2021

Dear Hungry4Him Family, I clearly remember my first trip to Kenya, in 2017, the sights, the sounds, and those precious children. The children that are trying so hard to live and the simplest task there is not easy. They do not have enough food to fill their bellies, they must share books together in class since they do not have enough to have their own. Many of these children live at the school since they are orphans, some have families but it may not be the best situation for them.  Sometimes when they first come to school, they need to learn the basics and not just school, but how to clean themselves like learning how to take a shower, and …

Newsletter November 22, 2020

 Dear Hungry 4 Him family and co workers in Christ,   We at H4H all hope and pray that you are all well in what has been a trying and difficult 2020 year. We wish to take a few moments and reflect and pray over the needs of our ministry, our supporters, and for this country as a nation.   We praise you our Lord and Saviour for your grace and providing through these troubling, uncertain times. May your mercy, protection, presence, and divine guidance continue to be upon us. May our faith NOT waver, but GROW amidst this pandemic, national unrest, political turmoil, economic struggles, natural disasters, and the evil that seems to be spreading throughout our nation. May we all …

Looking Back & Forward – March 2, 2020 – Newsletter

Reflecting back on my time in Kenya, I have seen the Lord moved in the administration of the schools, the teachers, and the children at Benard’s Vision School. These children do have such a hard life, and are hungry, in addition, have many needs (food, shelter, clothing, books, etc.), but in other ways they are thriving and growing spiritually. Sponsors and Board members of Hungry4Him give us opportunities to impact these children in many ways, since we are their voice.  So if you are someone who sponsors the children or just contributes to Hungry4Him please know that every penny does count to do amazing things for the orphans of Kenya.  The schools are very much thriving and the children just …

Sweet Times May 29, 2019-Newsletter

Such a blessing to have some Hungry4Him board members being at Benard’s Vision school on a mission trip. We take sweet memories with us.

Board Members

We the Board of Hungry4Him have had privilege of seeing the children in person for many days May 2019. Only two members came but what an amazing time it has been.


Be praying for these sweet children as the continue to learn and grow at school.